

Soirée de droit du sport, Zurich

Sports lawyers met in Zurich to an event organized by WISLaw and ASDS to discuss a topic which is quite untypical for lawyers – Blockchain! Thanks to the interesting presentations, participants got an idea on how and where Blockchain could be used in the sports wold.

Soirée de droit du sport, Zurich

Sports lawyers met in Zurich to an event organized by WISLaw and ASDS to discuss a topic which is quite untypical for lawyers – Blockchain! Thanks to the interesting presentations, participants got an idea on how and where Blockchain could be used in the sports wold.

Soirée de droit du sport, Zurich

Sports lawyers met in Zurich to an event organized by WISLaw and ASDS to discuss a topic which is quite untypical for lawyers – Blockchain! Thanks to the interesting presentations, participants got an idea on how and where Blockchain could be used in the sports wold.

Soirée de droit du sport, Zurich

Sports lawyers met in Zurich to an event organized by WISLaw and ASDS to discuss a topic which is quite untypical for lawyers – Blockchain! Thanks to the interesting presentations, participants got an idea on how and where Blockchain could be used in the sports wold.